Lumin Support

Welcome To Lumin Support
To manage your recurring subscription or order history, sign in below.
Please note, creating an order doesn’t automatically create an account. If you haven’t done so, Create Account below to get started!
How can we help you?
Use the search bar to find answers, or click on any of the categories below to find what you’re looking for.Frequently Asked Questions
How do I cancel my subscription?
We've made canceling your subscription easier than ever! To get started with your subscription cancellation, please head over to our chat widget at the bottom of our Support Home Page. From there, select Manage Account & Subscription, then Cancel Subscription. You will be asked to enter the email address associated with your active Lumin subscription. Once you have cancelled your subscription, you will be sent a Cancellation Confirmation email. Alternatively, you can cancel your subscription through your Lumin account.
What is your return & refund policy?
Return Policy To receive a full refund, please follow our guidelines below and ship your unopened order to one of our warehouses. View our full list of warehouse addresses here.
- Partial Refund We are unable to provide a full refund for orders that are marked as "Refused" or "Returned to Sender", including cases when customers refuse to fulfill the required customs payments or to pick up their orders held by the courier. These orders are not guaranteed to reach our warehouses and are therefore only eligible for a 50% refund. Original shipping fees are non-refundable. We provide replacement assistance as an alternative remediation for these types of orders.
- Free Trial Policy Free trial orders are non-refundable. Our free trial promotion waives the price of the trial products and is offered at the cost of shipping. The default free trial period is 21 days starting on the free trial’s order date. Each customer is allowed to redeem our free trial promotion once. Customers who redeem multiple free trial promotions are in violation of our free trial policy and will be charged in full at our subscription pricing for subsequent free trial orders. By redeeming our free trial promotion, you are agreeing to the automatic enrollment of our bimonthly subscription service. Your first subscription order is set to renew at the end of your 21-day free trial period. Upon your subscription’s scheduled renewal date, your default payment method on file will automatically be charged with our subscription pricing. You can extend or cancel your free trial at any time through your Lumin account or by submitting a chat ticket through our FAQ page. Select the chat topic [Account & Subscription] > [Update account or subscription].
- Subscription Cancellation If you have an active subscription and do not want to get charged for a renewal order, you must cancel your subscription before its renewal date. Please note that cancelling your subscription does not retroactively cancel your existing or recently renewed orders. You can cancel your subscription anytime through your Lumin account or by submitting a chat ticket through our FAQ page. Select the chat topic [Account & Subscription] > [Cancel my subscription].
- Order Cancellation Due to the automated process our warehouse fulfills and hands off orders to our logistics partners for shipping, we are unable to cancel an order that has been created in our system. Please follow our return policy to receive a full refund for your order.
- 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee: If you’re not satisfied with a product, we will provide you a refund for the cost of that product (excluding any additional fees). Contact Customer Support through our FAQ chatbot on our site or in writing via within 30 days of the initial order date. Please note: the 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee refund does not include any shipping fees, customs fees or any other additional fees. The 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee is only eligible for first-time full-size orders. Free trial orders and subsequent renewals from a free trial do not qualify for the 30-day Satisfaction Guarantee.
Can I cancel my order?
We understand how important your orders are and we want to ensure that they reach you as soon as possible. Therefore, we process orders for shipment immediately. Unfortunately, once an order has been placed, we are unable to cancel or stop its shipment. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding. If your order has already been created, please check if you qualify for a refund by following our Return & Refund Policy. If you need further assistance, don't hesitate to contact us through our chat widget at the bottom of our Support page. To get started, please select Refund & Return. Please provide as much detail as possible, so our team can quickly assist you!
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Additional Resources
We’ve compiled a list of kick-ass resources for you to check out. Check out everything from product reviews to guided tutorials.