Our free trial waives the price of the trial products and is offered at the cost of shipping. Free trial orders are non-refundable. The default free trial period begins on the free trial’s order date.
By redeeming our free trial, you are agreeing to the automatic enrollment of our bimonthly subscription service. Your first subscription order is set to renew at the end of your 21-day free trial period.
Upon your subscription’s scheduled renewal date, your default payment method on file will be automatically charged with our subscription pricing.
You can extend your free trial period, postpone your subscription’s renewal date and interval, or cancel your subscription at any time through your Lumin account.
When a subscription cancellation is successfully processed you will receive a confirmation email.
To avoid getting charged for a new subscription order, you must cancel your subscription before its scheduled renewal date. Once your subscription order has already been created, you can receive a full refund by following our Return & Refund Policy.
Our free trial promotion can only be redeemed once by each customer. Customers who redeem our free trial promotion more than once are in violation with our free trial policy and will be charged in full at our subscription pricing for subsequent free trial order attempts.